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Lady K-Fever

Kathleena Howie



Artist Statement


  Beautiful, Abandonment.  A healing journey: remixed, cut, disformed, ripped, stapled, sewn, and glued back together. Conflicting textures, dripping paint and excessive lines are put into positions that create tension and relief.  Transcending trauma with rebellious feminine actions rooted in nature, spiritual awakenings and energy exchange. Examination of self: woman, mother, lover and  survivor.

 Transformational spirituality, radical activism, feminist philosophies intersect and shape processes of inspirations and creation.  Movement is applied in deconstructed layers, abstracted into raw shapes to shift viewpoint, like the transition of the stars. Sun and moon. Balancing between positive and negative. Colors are symbolic, bold and unforgiving. Intentional imagery whispers dialogues and memories. Flora and fauna are implemented to tell stories of travels, magic, reconnection to earth and each other.

 Expressed through an interdisciplinary multimedia approach that incorporates painting, graphic design, photography, performance, and sculpture. Intertwined with social engagement happenings, curatorial experiments, educational and entrepreneurial projects.

Public art works are developed organically through a call and response dialogue within a community. Focused on sharing experiences to overcome barriers and limitations. Exploring the possibilities of enlightenment and empowerment through collaborative design and installation of public artworks.

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